Towpath closure notice: Bridge 33 Greensdeep Bridge to Bridge 34 – Botholmes Hall Footbridge – Peak Forest Canal, Navigation: Open, Towpath: Closed (Posted 20.06.23)

Notice Alert

Peak Forest Canal
Location: Towpath Closure: Between Bridge 33 and Bridge 34, Peak Forest Canal
Starts At: Bridge 33, Greensdeep Bridge
Ends At: Bridge 34, Botholmes Hall Footbridge

Tuesday 20 June 2023 16:30 until further notice

Type: Towpath Closure
Reason: Vegetation

Original message:

Please be advised towpath access is currently closed between Bridge 33, Greensdeep Bridge and Bridge 34, Botholmes Hall Footbridge due to a windblown tree.

Our contractors have been informed and await their attendance.

Whilst canal navigation remains open, we politely request all customers to navigate through the area with care and listen to any advice that may be given by the contractors when onsite.

An update will be provided tomorrow, Wednesday 21 June.

You can view this notice and its map online here: You can find all notices at the url below: