AWCC 60th Anniversary Celebrations to be held at Lichfield Boat Club


August 9, 2024 - August 11, 2024    
12:00 am

Due to unforeseen circumstances the location and date of the AWCC 60th anniversary rally has been changed . The rally will now be held at Lichfield cruising club on the weekend beginning 9th August.

With the change of location members will be able to attend in motor homes as well as boats or they may want to book into one of the hotels in the area.

It will be a fun filled weekend with food, entertainment and good company. Plans for entertainment need to be finalised, but these include; a Chair’s challenge, a Race event, professional entertainers, a raffle, stalls and presentations by boating organisations.

Representatives from CRT and Waterways World will also be attending

A good attendance at the event would demonstrate how much we all care about our waterways.