Boat Licencing Pricing

Boat Licence Pricing

Important information kindly supplied by our AWCC Represantative John Suggitt

I have forwarded some information from the AWCC National Executive on Boat Licence Pricing. This should be made available to as many members as possible. I accept that it is in draft form but the links contained in it all work. It explains the C&RT stance on their future Licensing Policy and offers answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ’s). All C&RT Licence holders have between now and Thursday 6th April 2023 (five weeks tomorrow) to review what is proposed and express their opinions.

Kind regards

Dear Member

1. This post is sent on behalf of the National Executive Committee of AWCC. At its quarterly meeting on Saturday 18th February 2023, the Executive agreed, without demur, that this communication should be promoted as widely as possible to members.

Canal & River Trust Regional Consultation
2. The Trust are currently engaged in a national consultation which will have a considerable impact on boaters well into the future.  The consultation is Future Boat Licence Pricing – running until 1700 on Thursday 6th April 2023

3. Background information on the consultation, and FAQ, may be found on the Trust’s website, the link is here:

4. The NEC have not adopted a specific stance on this consultation. Rather, they strongly urge boaters to engage with the consultation to ensure every opinion is heard. To this end, the NEC ask that you disseminate this information to as many individual AWCC boaters as you are able to.

Canal & River Trust Regional Consultations 5. As well as the national consultations, there are a number of ongoing regional consultations. Please consider engaging with these consultations too.

a. In the West Midlands, there is a consultation about Birmingham City Centre Moorings. The link to this is here:

b. Also in the West Midlands, there is a consultation about Llangollen Moorings. The link to this is here:

6. We are presented with an opportunity to have our voices heard through these consultations. Please do your best to respond, and not let it become a missed opportunity.

With best wishes from the NEC Communications Subcommittee,
Hazel Owen
Des Barnard
Andrew Phase